Training for Drivers on Safe Transportation of Hazardous Goods
As per the G.O.(Rt) No.138/2015/Tran. dated 17.03.2015, KSCSTE-NATPAC is recognized as a certified centre for imparting road safety training to drivers of vehicles carrying dangerous and hazardous goods.
For enquires, contact 0471 - 2779200, 9895573047
List of Participants
1.38thBatch conducted from 12/01/2022 to 14/01/2022-Registration Number: 12479 to 12510
2.39thBatch conducted from 16/03/2022 to 18/03/2022-Registration Number: 12511 to 12546
3.40thBatch conducted from 27/04/2022 to 29/04/2022-Registration Number: 12547 to 12589
4. 41stBatch conducted from 25/05/2022 to 27/05/2022- Registration Number: 12590 to 12613
5. 42ndBatch conducted from 22/06/2022 to 24/06/2022-Registration Number: 12614 to 12630
6. 43rdBatch conducted from 24/08/2022 to 26/08/2022-Registration Number: 12631 to 12654
7. 44thBatch conducted from 10/11/2022 to 12/11/2022-Registration Number: 12655 to 12689
8. 45thBatch conducted from 28/12/2022 to 30/12/2022-Registration Number: 12690 to 12709
9. 46thBatch conducted from 01/03/2023 to 03/03/2023-Registration Number: 12710 to 12745
10.47thBatch conducted from 17/05/2023 to 19/05/2023-Registration Number: 12746 to 12768
11.48thBatch conducted from 02/08/2023 to 04/08/2023-Registration Number: 12769 to 12801
12.49thBatch conducted from 25/10/2023 to 27/10/2023-Registration Number: 12802 to 12832
13.50thBatch conducted from 27/12/2023 to 29/12/2023-Registration Number: 12833 to 12853
14.51st Batch conducted from 20/03/2024 to 22/03/2024-Registration Number: 12855 to 12878
15.52nd Batch conducted from 29/05/2024 to 31/05/2024-Registration Number: 12879 to 12911